Yes, it is 1:30 in the afternoon and there is still snow on the ground at the office. No pictures on my ancient excuse for a computer at work. But it was so pretty!! :) Last night, as I was asleep by 8:30, because I am a hibernating bear, the kids busted into my room like it was Christmas morning... "BRITTNEY! WAKE UP! It is SNOWWWWING!" So i put my boots on and trek outside to see the kids playing with the dog in the snow, and folks i gotta tell you, I think the dog was more excited than the kids. After we wrangled them into the house and into bed, Angela came and got me to go watch the dog. Our dog has to be the only basset hound with ADD alive, I swear. This dog was ripping and tearing though the snow and bouncing around. I cried I was laughing so hard. (Ok now that I read that back I realize this was one of those
had to be there moments, sorry for that!) But yea, we got snow IN MARCH in NORTH EAST TEXAS. Who would have thunk it>>