Sorry, this pictures is terrible but the story is amazing. The boy in the cammo is Tanner. He is in the 3rd grade at the same elementary school as my little brother. The two other boys are his brothers and his mom is also pictured. The reason I am sharing this is because I was touched so much by this story. Almost exactly a year ago Tanner was diagnosed with cancer. He went through rigorous chemo therapy and still takes a treatment once a month. Tanner was a candidate for the make a wish foundation and last weekend he, and 49 other children from each state in the US and their immediate families, got their wish. The WWE (wrestling) sponsored 50 children from the US who wished to come to Wrestle Mania as their wish. These kids got an entire press conference to themselves and the stars from Wrestle Mania. They also met many other celebrities.. including Snoop Dog and Raven from That's So Raven!. These 50 kids, for just one day, didn't have to worry about their sickness. This was their day to get exactly what they wanted. Pretty darn cool if you ask me.
The Make a Wish foundation is a wonderful program for kids with terminal illnesses and their families. This was the first time I got to experience a wish first hand. And it was amazing.
And this. Well, this is pretty funny. This is me. With my little sister. And her boyfriend. SHE IS FIVE. I am twenty. Something is wrong here.
Ok, and this. This is just for spite of her having a boyfriend and I don't.