Tuesday, January 8, 2008

All About Nothing

Well, in my spare fifteen minutes before 5:00 I thought I might post a little something. About what I don't know but I am sure if I ramble on for a few mintes I will get to some topic. Well, school starts next week. There's a topic. I feel like this Christmas break has FLOWN by!! WHY?!? I hardley got to spend time with Kristin. :( Well, considering the situation it is alright but I hope I get to see her before she goes back to Arkansas. I really thought this month would creep along. I don't want to drive 30 minutes and back to school. blah. Well atleast Jenny is in two of my classes. Oh, Kaci (you know Kaci) turns 5 tomorrow. FIVE. I remember she was a baby when we moved to Paris. Where did the time go??? We are having her party at a Pretty Princess Room - which is exactly what is in its name. It's a room. In a clothing store. Painted pink. With GLITTER. And a castle on the wall. Any 5 year old girls dream. I am sure there will be hillarious pictures so I will be sure to post those next week after her party on Saturday. Wow, seven more minutes. Hmmm. Well. What's next? OH, I have been addicted to the Food Network website! I look up these really tasty recipes, like I will ever cook them. They are mostly from Paula Dean cause let's face it, as much as I love Rachel Ray, cumin and coreander and endive aren't coming anywhere near my kitchen. I like to look up things that I might actually cook one day.. yes ONE DAY. I do love to cook but it's hard to when you still live at home and there is someone conveniently there to do that for you. THANKS DAD! I like simple things that have amazing flavor. The thing I looked up today was Baked Macaroni and Cheese. YUMM. BUT considering I have started this new bootcamp fitness thing, it doesn't look like too much macaroni or any pasta will be my friend. (but if you won't tell, I won't tell ;) ) So anywho, I guess that's all I have to say about that.

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