Monday, February 1, 2010


Ok, so since I no longer have a steady flow of income, I have become quite frugal. Well, honestly I have never been one to over indulge, but every little bit helps right? Our local newspaper has the usual ads on Sundays but the past few weeks they have included a pretty healthy bunch of manufacturers coupons. I have searched through and picked out the few I needed and passed the rest along to my parents. I made the terrible trip to Wally World this afternoon and bought only one thing that I did not have a coupon for. I saved $3. But I was thinking, if I save those $3 every time I go to Wally World (which is about once a week) times 52 weeks a year is $156! Thats a car payment, or insurance, or SO many things that I could use that extra $156 on.

So this is my question for you, do you clip coupons? Do you find coupons online? If you do, which sites do you find work best?

I usually only take what I need, but I see those people with a 3' binder FULL of coupons. (Most of which I am sure are expired!) I don't think I would be one of those people but I am liking the thought of savings. I mean it may be only $3 this week but it as already mentioned that adds up over the year!

I just read through there and realized that I am a 22 year old posting about coupons. This is almost as bad as the intense conversation I had a few weeks ago about the recall on Rolaids. Guess I really am growing up!


Kristin said...

Haha, we have to save money however we can!

Amy said...

Woohoo! I love saving money! :)

I've never really done coupons much. I usually find I can save 50 cents off Name-Brand XYZ with a coupon or save a dollar or two by buying the same item in a store brand.

Some people are real big into those deals at CVS and other places where you combine coupons and rebates and stuff and end up either getting things for really cheap, for free, or sometimes even making a couple of dollars. I haven't figured that whole thing out.

BTW.. I love your black and white background - pretty!