I always say I am going to post and keep posting, and let's face it, that never happens.
Lately things have been going well. I have almost finished my first year in my new job. I am loving it so far. It has brought challenges and moments of victory. There have been multiple days that I have said "I can't picture myself doing anything else!" Granted, it is a job and there have been some difficult times but, the always outshine the bad.
This year I have been blessed with so many things. And it being the Christmas season I wanted so share a few of the things that have made my year so wonderful.
1. Starting a new job on January 1, and loving it.
2. Having my grandfather turn 81 years young. He is still independant, living at home, driving himself to our usual once a week lunches.
3. Have become closer with people I have needed to, and left a few behind that I wasn't willing to sacrifice myself or my beliefs for.
4. A brother who's football team went 8-0 this season and won the Super Bowl.
5. Coaching 6 - 8 year old girls in softball. (And not losing my temper)
6. Watched my little sister score her first (and second) goals in soccer.
7. Paid payments 1 - 4 of my ever accumulating student loan. Only 87 more to go.
8. Drove with sister in the back seat, and we sang "The House that Built Me" at the top of our lungs.
9. Gotten to know some of the most amazing people through my job. A retired couple buying their first house, newly weds starting a new life together in their first home, an author, an investor, relocation, and ever expanding families.
10. Had a girls day with my sister. Just the two of us, shopping, eating, and enjoying each others company.
11. Laughed until I cried multiple times.
12. Discovered egg nog latte at PCC. You must try.
13. Saw my childhood best friend marry the love of her life.
14. Ended a relationship on my terms. ( I know this is odd, but still something I am proud of for standing up against something I did not believe in.)
15. And lastly, reading my sisters' letter to Santa. She asked for only 3 things but none of it mattered because of the last sentence. She asked Santa "for my family to have the best Christmas ever." I think her little heart is so genuine.
So maybe this was a ramble, I was bored and wasn't creative. HA!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
1 comment:
I'm only 6 months behind in reading and.commenting on this. It looks like 2010 was a good year! I hope 2011 is going just as well!
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