wow. so i just realized how long it has been since i last wrote! i have been extremely busy! but that is no excuse! last week was my 20th birthday.. very exciting! :) so to start off the weeks worth of festivities. LAST saturday night i spend the night with kristin and cameron came over and we watched prime and played twister (like we were 10 again) but it was so much fun! then sunday i went to church with kristin and then picked up bmo and headed out to the lake to hang out with kristin and float. i didn't wear sun screen cause i didn't think we would be gone that long.. but of course we were.
on monday kristin took me out to eat for my birthday. we went to chilis and had our usual of cajum shrimp pasta and chicken crispers. she got me a hillarious card and the coolest sack ever! it sang! and it sang celebration! it was filled with great goodies of sour patch kids, mini uno cards, a crown (which i specificially asked for) thanks kristin, and many many other things! after our large dinner we went to braums for ice cream which made it even better.
tuesday was my actual birthday. we had pot luck at lunch at work. that's always a good day because we have some pretty good cooks up her! i brought my famour broccoli and rice casserole! yumm.. and all of it was gone! good day! that night dad cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and shannon, tate, and bmo, and papa bill, and aunt renee all came out to celebrate... we had a good time!
the rest of the week til friday ran as usual.
friday i took off work to go shopping with shannon and shelly. we went to mesquite and i got a new pair of jeans and a few tshirts just to wear to class ebcause i will be gone practially the entire day. we also ate at our all time favorite restraunt. olive garden. i want to know what they put in their dressing because it's about the greatest there is! we didn't get back to town til about five so that night we all setteled in at randy and shellys to watch a movie.
saturday i slept in (for the first time in a while). when i finally got up I went to the gym to work out and to tan. and when i got home i washed my car since we were taking it canoeing on sunday. i finally took a shower and got ready because myself, bmo, dad, and matt were all going over to frisco to watch ther rough riders play baseball. if you don't know, the rough riders are the AA minor league team of the texas rangers. and since the rangers can't seem to win we decided to go over there. turns out since we didn't purchase tickets beforehand we had to sit in the grass in the outfield, which didn't turn out too bad actually. no home runs but bmo and i made friends with the left fielder. :) steve murphy. haha. when we finally got back it was around midnight so i called it a night cause i knew we had a big day coming up!
SUNDAY! sunday i woke up nice and early cause we were leaving at 11 to head to oklahoma canoeing. shannon called around nine and asked if i could come help her walk dogs at cooters vets office since he was running behind. so she and i walked about 6 dogs and then we finally got all of us together and headed out! 8 people total in the bus! bmo and i were canoeing partners and we never tumped over but hey thats good! we did both fall out haha.. and i am sure today but it was so much fun! it took us about 4 to 5 hours to get down the river. and my oak broke twice! but it was still a good day!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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