so today makes it only 19 days til my birthday! woooo. i am always very excited about birthdays. it doesn't have to be mine.. i just love celebrating. a friend of the family turns 21 on 7-7-07. we told him to go to the casino! he has got to have some luck in there somewhere! but 20 won't be much but celebrating with the family. dad and i talked about going to a frisco roughriders game. i love baseball and since the rangers can't seem to win i will settle for soem aaa ball.
yesterday was the fourth, of course, and we had some people out last night. cooked fish and shot plenty of fireworks. no pictures as of right now because i forgot my camera.. but soon enough. i really enjoyed the compnay and a few people brought their kids. they played frisby in the yard and got plenty muddy! but you could tell they were having a great time. i talked to jill most of the day. i went to high scchool with her but she and i were never really friends and then last night we just talked and talked. always good to find new friends. i do have to say that i love my oldies.
life... well i hope is looking up. everytime i think maybe it gets a little bit better soemthing seems to happen to say nope... don't get up yet!! i had a very pleasant conversation with my mother the other day. i was very excited. our conversations are few and far between but i am trying. it is hard to talk to her because it seems as if all she wants to talk about is the bad situation. but i am a posative person and i want to look in the good of it all. i am hoping she will get out of this situation and if it takes some drastic measures i am willing to take them. i just want her life to be better... and mine as well. some of the things she has done in the past has hurt me so bad. but i can't dwell on the past.
on a better note... i talked to my borther in iraq. it seems he is doing well and will be home in a few months. VERY EXCITED! i just hope he stays safe between now and then.
that's all for now. pictures will come soon! :)
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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