Wednesday, August 29, 2007

back to school...

wow. i have been absent for a while again but hey, it's been busy. I started my first day of official class at Commerce yesterday. Four classes from 8 in the morning til almost 2. I hope I can make it. So far (as of the syllabus in all my classes) none of my tests will be on the same days so I guess my teachers felt sorry for us.

But in other news. We got a new dog. Well we have been supposed to be getting this dog for over a month now but just haven't been able to meet up and get the dog from the breeder. But I kept the kids saturday mornging until about lunch on Sunday. And we all three got up at 6! to go get the dog and of course they didn't want to go back to sleep. I do have to say he is one of the cutest dogs ever, well that and he is my dog! He is a basset hound named Harley. Angela got him a collar that says "Bad to the Bone" with a harley davidson logo on it. SO CUTE! I will get pictures on here as soon as I get them on my laptop.

Well, I really miss one of my best friends. I think she has been gone about three weeks to a month but gosh it feel longer! She is coming home next weekend and I am taking her to lunch for her birthday! Well, not her actual birthday but it's as close as we can get it. Not sure on what kind of present to get her but her surely I can think of... SOMETHING! :)

Well.. I gotta get back to some real estate studying.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


welll well well, quite a while since i have written. still no pictures because my computer at work is extremely ghetto and does not even have a usb port. but i digress. Kristin and I had our last supper/hanging out time last night. I am leaving tomorrow to spend 4 days in San Antonio and she is leaving EARLY monday morning to go back to Arkadelphia for summer band. I am so going to miss her. She and I have gotten so close again this summer.. or well since chrismas actually. it was strange how we went from hardly ever talking to being great friends again. but i am very glad we did. She has helped me through so much this past 6 months.. i am so thankful that I have a friend like her in my life. I saw the commercial that said which friends were your partying buddies and then the moving day buddies. and then it said whcih one would be your friend if you had a mental illness. she is that friend. well neither of us have a mental illness... well you might think that we did if you heard our extremely random conversations. I think we freaked cameron out a little bit. but that's ok. haha.

tomorrow we are leaving to go to San Antonio for a few days with the family. sea world.. WOO HOO! i will be sure to take plenty of picturess.. mostly of the kiddies. haha. i know we will have a big time on the riverwalk... YEA!