Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just jackin my jaw....

Well, the weather at the moment does not seem to make the season bright, or the wonderful drivers of my town! The only thing I do not like about Christmas are the pushy people. PLEASE! Come on! I held the door open for you while I stood in the rain and you can't even say thank you! There was one lady who let me cut in front of her in line at Bealls because I only had one thing and she had a mountain. She was very sweet. See people like that are what make me happy. Not the ones who cut you off and ram you with buggies at Wal-Mart. Howevever, it was my fault for going into Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve-Eve, but it was better than going tomorrow. I should have waited and gone at midnight tonight. Who am I kidding, it would probably be just as bad. I should be finished with my shopping, unless I need to do my step-mothers stocking, and that can be done in a 20 minute trip to Bath and Body Works.

I should take more pictures for this blog. It looks pretty boring, but it does have some snazzy new colors! ;)


Friday, December 19, 2008

A Little Christmas Fun

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? we do a little of both. depends on how big and odd shaped the present is!

2. Real tree or Artificial? artificial. when I was growing up we always had a real tree and when my brother was about 2 we had to get a fake one because he had such bad asthma and allergies.

3. When do you put up the tree? the weekend after thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down? it varies. a week after. it was up til almost feburary one year.

5. Do you like eggnog? i love it!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? the game mouse trap, a cd player, and my most recent favorite was an ipod.

8. Easiest person to buy for? my granpa.

9. Do You have a nativity scene? yes. my sister calls it the "jesus scene"

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? i don't do either. woops.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? soap. not bath and body, it was a bar of soap. ok I really can't complain it was from my 80+ year old great grandmother. and her fudge made up for it.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? national lampoons christmas vacation, the grinch (cartoon), a christmas story, and elf. i love christmas!

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? i will usually find something in june and buy it and forget where i put it.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? we have a thing going at the office. i won some TERRIBLE smelling perfume at a charity bowling game, gave it to someone, she then re-gifted it to someone else at the office, i'm waiting to see who is next.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? my stepmothers breakfast! it's sausage, cream cheese, and crescent rolls. oh my gosh. it is so savory and goood!!!

16. Lights on the tree? white lights.

17. Favorite Christmas song? all i want for christmas is you- vince vance and the vallaints, and baby it's cold outside.

18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? i go to my mothers on christmas eve, and then i go back to my dads that night and spent christmas day there.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? of course!

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? last year was a star, this year it is an angel. we have so many ornaments that we have to do them in cycles.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? eve at moms, day at dads.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? pushy people!! please, i don't care that you have to get the last WII game or that BRATZ doll cause they are not going to sell them any more after january! go bake cookies with your family!

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? we all have our own. all of mine are baseballs. :) all different shapes and sizes. i have a mini tree that is lime green, pink, blue, and teal.

24. Favorite Christmas dinner? i love ham. and my dads dressing!

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? the only thing i asked for was a cell phone. yes, it's kinda pricey but that is all i wanted!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Men... The Good Ones

This look a little different around here, eh? I got bored at work today and decided I would give the ole blog a little make over. I kinda like it. I may make a few more tweaks here and there. But overall, I like it.

I need to get one more gift for my dad. He is not hard to buy for, I just feel the need to get him a little something extra special. He has been my rock my entire life. And with the ups and downs of the past few years with things he has always been the one that was there for me no matter what. He lets me cry when I need to, laughs at my jokes, and has guided me into a life where I can soon venture out into the world alone, and come home for his fried deer steak whenever I want. I don't know what I could do without my father. He's an amazing man.

My grandfather turns 80 in Feb. ya'll. I still can't believe it. He still lives by himself, cooks 3 meals a day, goes to volunteer at the food bank, and drives himself everywhere. This man has never had a cavity in his life. I don't know why I felt the need to mention that, but I digress. For Christmas, while my aunt was in vegas, picked him up a 50th Anniversay National Finals Rodeo Jacket, and it's awesome. We were going to get it embroidered with his name and years he judged at the NFR, but there isn't anyone in town that can do it before Christmas, so that is just going to have to wait until afterwards. So, SHHHHHHHHH! He doesn't have a clue! :) I love surprises!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Did you know?!?

There are only 10 (TEN!) days until Christmas! Oh my gosh! This snuck up of me!!!! Although, I am almost done shopping, and I am grateful for that! Oh yes, I have lost 4 pounds! That was exciting for me. 4 pounds in a week so we will see what happens this week! I think it is a good start. I got done with finals, I should get gradees today or tomorrow... hopefully sooner. But I am ready for the holidays!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Random thoughts...

Today I took a pair of jeans to the cleaners, the girl that worked there had on fuschia eye shadow. Random I thought.

Oh, I finished school today! :) This makes me over joyed. However, I have a winter-mini that starts on Monday. Sports Marketing online. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I really need to fix the layout on my blog. I'm tired of it. But if you knew how much I changed my myspace layout, you would be quite shocked at how long this one has been up.

I am almost done christmas shopping. I need to get a few more things for the women in my life. Mother(s), aunt, friends... you get the picture.

I'm dog sitting this weekend. What I call a mini vacation because I get to stay at my aunts house. ALONE. :) I love my family dearly, but sometimes, I just want quiet. I say that then I will move out in 6 months and want the noise.

This diet thing is going ok. I did have a dr pepper this morning. Shame Shame, but I had to leave the house at 7 because I had a final at 8. And I needed caffine.

I had to clean my car out today because it needs the oil changed, and it was so messy I was embarrased for anyone that would change my oil to see it. Although, anytime someone walks by my car they can see exactlty what is in it.

I treated myself to manicure today. I got done with my test early and I have really been wanting one. And I worked REALLY hard on a 20 page project on forecasting. It was awful, but I'm done now.

This has been alot about nothing. Chow.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas List

1. Bathroom Scale

Friday, December 5, 2008

Change... and not the kind Obama Promised

Well, I have thought and thought about posting this and decided I may as well just to get it out there, and the very few people that do read this won't mind I'm sure. :) I have recently spoke to a very close friend of mine about losing 15 pound before Christmas. I don't think this will happen, since I've cheated on my dr. peppers and ate way too much over Thanksgiving. But, starting today(!) I am on a weight loss goal to lose 30-40 pounds over an extended period of time. I know this is not something that will be dramatically done over a month like we see on The Biggest Loser, I know it will take some time. And there will be weeks that I gain pounds back, but I am going to try not to get discouraged. I am not happy with my appearance and I think this is part of why I haven't been so happy recently. I've put on some weight after high school, which most people do. I do not want to be this size forever, so instead of me complaining and crying over it, I am now going to do something about it. So here's to Day 1!

Starting Weight: This is embarrasing - 179.
Jean Size - 14/33

Monday, December 1, 2008

Have a Holly Jolly....


I love Christmas! I get in the mood Thanksgiving night for Christmas. I love being around friends and family. And also THE reason why we celebrate this hoiday of course! I am so very thankful to live in a place where I can celebrate the birth of Jesus. So many places it is shunned and not accepted. Christmas surely is not about what happened to that poor man at the Wal Mart. I'm sorry, but no amount of money is worth the life of this man who came to work like any other day and because of the greed of others was trampeled! And they interviewed these people on the news, they didn't even care! They wanted to know when the store was going to re open! I just couldn't believe how these people acted. I am just beyond belief that someone didn't help this man. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas, for the right reasons. (NOT PLASTMA TV'S!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yep.... He Won

I did not intend to this involved in politics. But right now I'm not happy. I voted so I can be mad. I have accepted it. I just hope now that he can come through with the promises that are quite significant. We'll see how the next four years go.

In other politics, our state rep. stayed the same, which I'm very excited about. I really don't want to mention names but I wanted him to win, and he did.

That is all.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Say what?

I meant to write about this the day I did it, but I've been busy with watching The Biggest Loser and what not. I voted in my FIRST Presidential election last week. I early vote because the genius that made up our voting districts decides to send me across a major highway 15 miles from my house, when there is two, 2, TWO! places to vote not three miles from my house, ON THE SAME ROAD! Anyways, so a friend of mine and I early voted. I am 21 years old, and this was my first major election to vote in! It was quite exciting. I voted the day early voting started. I watched the debates, and countless stories on Fox news, and I hope this is going to be a tighter election than what they are predicting. I had a very nice conversation with the lady in front of me in line, she had to be at least 75 and she said she was so glad to see "you young people" out voting. She said she had voted in most elections since she was able to vote. So, I guess my message is GO VOTE! Age does not matter, if you are registered VOTE. Don't complain about who gets elected if you do not. This is one of the most dramatic presidential elections because of what our country has been through in the past few years. It's a very simple thing that can persuade your future more than you think.

Monday, October 6, 2008

back... in black.

so, a friend of mine who actually got me started on this blogging business... well we both had stopped blogging for quite some time because we both have had very very very busy schedules. well.. i saw that she was back, and was once again inspired to blog... again. :) so here we go...

i feel like i can't get enough sleep. most of my nights (and some days) are filled with school, work and studying. I hate it. However, after this semester (and we can only hope that i pass everything), I will only have 21 more hours until I graduate. And most of those classes will be minor courses. (YEA!) So, I will not graudate in may because 21 hours is just too much, It will be next december, but that means I will be a college graduate in a year, and who is not thrilled with that kind of news!! This semester is quite tough. Monday's I work, then leave early to make it to my night class at 6 which is International Business. I have 2 great friends that have an apartment in where I go to school, and agreed to let me stay with them on monday nights so i do not have to drive back to home when i have class the next morning. Tuesdays and Thursdays are 9:30 - MIS (a computer class, i hate excel and access) 11:00 - Intro to Finance (i took the hard finance first, and passed, go me) 12:30 - Economic Forecasting... ... ... which is as exciting as it sounds. it's a very tough glass with a foreign teacher... but things are going ok so far. And then on thursday nights I have Operations Management. and somewhere in between all that I work 3 1/2 days a week, and find time to study. I'm ready to be a grown up.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What's In Your Car?!?

So, when I saw this post over at Rocks In My Dryer, I thought it was perfect for me (considering I live out of my car). This is where I would insert a nice link to RIMD, but I am not that tech savy. Ok so here's the deal, I drive a Chevy Trailblazer XL, yes, the REALLY long one. And I have no kids. It's just me. In this HUGE car. You can imagine how dirty it is. Anywho... this is what I have found in my car:

  • 2 sacks of Christmas ornamnets
  • 13 pair of shoes
  • 1000 piece puzzle
  • 4 water bottles
  • cup
  • straw wrappers
  • yoga matt
  • 2 shirts
  • keys
  • 2 umbrellas
  • 1 box 100 calorie ritz crackers
  • dr pepper bottle
  • un opened dr pepper can
  • loose french fries
  • 1 mini igloo cooler
  • pair of jeans
  • cleats
  • softball glove
  • 2 softball bats
  • school books
  • granolla bar wrapper
  • 2 bottle of tanning lotion (i haven't tanned in a month)
  • 2 draws from my little sister
  • card board box
  • AA battery charger
  • AND an empty arbys sack from lunch ON MONDAY

so that is my filthy car. :) maybe i should go clean it out considering I may be trading vehicles in the next few weeks.

Friday, April 4, 2008

a few things

So. I will start off with this stuff from earlier last week and work up to today. I finally got my laptop at work and I am going to share a few pictures.


Sorry, this pictures is terrible but the story is amazing. The boy in the cammo is Tanner. He is in the 3rd grade at the same elementary school as my little brother. The two other boys are his brothers and his mom is also pictured. The reason I am sharing this is because I was touched so much by this story. Almost exactly a year ago Tanner was diagnosed with cancer. He went through rigorous chemo therapy and still takes a treatment once a month. Tanner was a candidate for the make a wish foundation and last weekend he, and 49 other children from each state in the US and their immediate families, got their wish. The WWE (wrestling) sponsored 50 children from the US who wished to come to Wrestle Mania as their wish. These kids got an entire press conference to themselves and the stars from Wrestle Mania. They also met many other celebrities.. including Snoop Dog and Raven from That's So Raven!. These 50 kids, for just one day, didn't have to worry about their sickness. This was their day to get exactly what they wanted. Pretty darn cool if you ask me.

The Make a Wish foundation is a wonderful program for kids with terminal illnesses and their families. This was the first time I got to experience a wish first hand. And it was amazing.

Ok. Onward.

Today, at my 5-year-old sister's day care, they had a circus. Full of acrobats, animals, and strong men. TOO CUTE. This is Kaci. She was an acrobat... and behind her his her friend pushing her to hurry up cause she was holding up the Grand Entrance stopping to smile for pictures. :)

And this. Well, this is pretty funny. This is me. With my little sister. And her boyfriend. SHE IS FIVE. I am twenty. Something is wrong here.

Ok, and this. This is just for spite of her having a boyfriend and I don't.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


is this the most worthless holiday or what?

Monday, March 31, 2008

what i love about sundays...

... well besides the obvious craig morgan song.. and church... and sunday school... and a good lunch..



Friday, March 28, 2008

that so just made my day

it's friday. friday = no school. friday also = 8+hours of work. BOOO! but. today, well today i had quite a few errands to fun for the boss.. none of which were on the same side of town. and after a delicious taco salad from hole in the wall (if you have not had one, PLEASE go. best salad ever. from what i can tell from the contents it is a very simple salad... beans, taco meat, salad, regular durritos, and what seems like 1000 island dressing.... oh and cheese of course. SO YUMMY!!) oh anyways.. back to my day.. running errnads.. i went to the dairy queen.. which is so strategically (spellcheck) placed RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY WORK... and got a butterfinger blizzard. wow... when was the last time i had one of these things?!?! it has been at least a year. i am not a sweet foods person.. i am a savory person. when christmas rolls around i eat about 5 gallons (no joke) of chex mix... oh renee (AND LISA!) have it going on with that one! my favorite. so... that was a really random post about nothing. haha.. enjoy.

oh PS - my top 4 still going strong (except Jason!) VOTE PEOPLE!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

american idol anyone?

ok. so am i the only one who is sick of kristy lee cook? seriously, come on, three weeks in a row she has been in the bottom three and we can't seem to get rid of her!!! amanda, i have to admit was not my favorite. but she was leaps ans bounds better than kristy lee!! i wanted to crawl in a hole when she did eight days a week!! now, as most of you know (and i think there is a grand total of 3 people reading this blog) i am a huge HUGE country music fan.. and if i didn't like the COUNTRY GIRL... it's bad. but on a lighter note..

My Favorites
1. David Cook - something about his rocker voice. i dunno, he seems genuine to me.
2. Brooke White - she looks like Taylor Swift but sounds about 10 x better to me.
3. Jason Castro - you gonna root for the boy from texas. i just wish he would cut his har.
and 4. carly smithson - not crazy about the tattoos but she has an amazing voice. SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THE BOTTOM THREE!

we gotta vote people!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

well that was no fun

so... last night.. as i was working out, i get a text from my step mom. it says "tornado warning come home now!" so, of course i followed instructions. when i got home, there was heavy rain but not much more than that... but it got worse. a friend texted me and told me a tornado had touched down in cooper.. i live about 20 minutes from cooper on the southwest side of town (i say town, but i live in the country) my dad, well he is a sissy when it comes to storms... so we got THE ENTIRE FAMILY (including the dog) in the storm cellar for about 30 minutes. the wind finally started to calm down... but that is the part that scares me... i guess i have watched twister one too many times and i realize the calm is when the storm really hits.. but THANK GOODNESS i had cell phone service in the storm cellar.. (THANKS SPRINT!) so i called a friend and asked where it was and i was told it was more east now and it was safe! so.. that was my monday night. in a storm cellar.. with 4 other people.. and one stinky LOUD BARKiNG DOG. :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

There is Snow in NE Texas Ya'll

Yes, it is 1:30 in the afternoon and there is still snow on the ground at the office. No pictures on my ancient excuse for a computer at work. But it was so pretty!! :) Last night, as I was asleep by 8:30, because I am a hibernating bear, the kids busted into my room like it was Christmas morning... "BRITTNEY! WAKE UP! It is SNOWWWWING!" So i put my boots on and trek outside to see the kids playing with the dog in the snow, and folks i gotta tell you, I think the dog was more excited than the kids. After we wrangled them into the house and into bed, Angela came and got me to go watch the dog. Our dog has to be the only basset hound with ADD alive, I swear. This dog was ripping and tearing though the snow and bouncing around. I cried I was laughing so hard. (Ok now that I read that back I realize this was one of those had to be there moments, sorry for that!) But yea, we got snow IN MARCH in NORTH EAST TEXAS. Who would have thunk it>>

Thursday, January 31, 2008

how i love sonic dr pepper.

today, was the 2nd day in a row i have been to sonic during happy hour for a large dr pepper. there is something about a fountain dr pepper that is better than the bottle or can. maybe the special sonic ice. i dunno. anywho, this makes me happy. :) update, i am not going to my real estate class this weekend, i called yesterday to register, but the class did not make, so it is off next weekend to do that... at a different location might i add. i have my first statistics test on tuesday! EEK! we did have a review today, a FULL REVIEW. i am sure jenny and i will be up for a few good hours memorizing what "muh" or "moo" is and the standard variaion and correlation variance or chebby chev's rule (no now "the twist" guy!). but anywho, i came into the house the other night after bootcamp and my little sister was drying a dish, this is very odd for my four-year old sister! but she was just smiling at me, and the first thing that comes to my mind is "what did she do?" but no. that sweet little girl decided to get her ears pierced and SHE DID! she was so excited. they are little pink flowers and she did not cry (better than i did at SEVEN!). this child has started a trend in her pre-school class.. another girl got hers done the very next day with the same earrings as kaci. haha.. amazing how these little girls look up to one another. but i am gonna be off to bootcamp in a few. ta ta for now!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hello World.

So, it seems that I will post one blog and then I will forget about it for a few weeks. Woops. HA. So here I am after my abscence of a few day... weeks, whatever. We have been in school... what two, three weeks now. I am already tired of it. Well considering I am only going two days a week for two classes it is REALLY not that bad. This weekend I will make my first trip to the big city for my real estate classes. I took two of my classes through corespondence and for the final three I really wanted a classroom setting so this weekend will be a day and a half trip. Alone. SCARY! But I need to do it, and I know the entire month of Feb I will be panicked but I know it will pay off, somehow. Anywho, Boot camp today. I am really enjoying this class. Tuesdays are my favorite because it is kickboxing day! Tuesday is also my favorite because we do not run on Tuesdays. :):) Ok, so I better get back to work blog world.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

All About Nothing

Well, in my spare fifteen minutes before 5:00 I thought I might post a little something. About what I don't know but I am sure if I ramble on for a few mintes I will get to some topic. Well, school starts next week. There's a topic. I feel like this Christmas break has FLOWN by!! WHY?!? I hardley got to spend time with Kristin. :( Well, considering the situation it is alright but I hope I get to see her before she goes back to Arkansas. I really thought this month would creep along. I don't want to drive 30 minutes and back to school. blah. Well atleast Jenny is in two of my classes. Oh, Kaci (you know Kaci) turns 5 tomorrow. FIVE. I remember she was a baby when we moved to Paris. Where did the time go??? We are having her party at a Pretty Princess Room - which is exactly what is in its name. It's a room. In a clothing store. Painted pink. With GLITTER. And a castle on the wall. Any 5 year old girls dream. I am sure there will be hillarious pictures so I will be sure to post those next week after her party on Saturday. Wow, seven more minutes. Hmmm. Well. What's next? OH, I have been addicted to the Food Network website! I look up these really tasty recipes, like I will ever cook them. They are mostly from Paula Dean cause let's face it, as much as I love Rachel Ray, cumin and coreander and endive aren't coming anywhere near my kitchen. I like to look up things that I might actually cook one day.. yes ONE DAY. I do love to cook but it's hard to when you still live at home and there is someone conveniently there to do that for you. THANKS DAD! I like simple things that have amazing flavor. The thing I looked up today was Baked Macaroni and Cheese. YUMM. BUT considering I have started this new bootcamp fitness thing, it doesn't look like too much macaroni or any pasta will be my friend. (but if you won't tell, I won't tell ;) ) So anywho, I guess that's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy 2008

Since I have not blogged in QUITE some time, and I got a link to my blog.. thought I might give it some fresh-ness since November? December? Anyway, the new year is here. (look at that it rhymed!) I am not making a resolution this year. Actually, now that I think about it, I never have. Woops. I don't think making a rule for myself that I will not follow and then feel guilty about not following it is very bright. So ANYWHO, my 2008 GOALS are not too complicated. But are things I think are important in this point in my life:

1. To become a better WOman of God.
-- Read my Bible and Devotianal and talk to those (Kristin) that I know can help me with questions and I am pretty sure if she cannot help me she has got someone who can. :)
2. To be healthier.
-- I do not want to make the "diet" resolution cause I know I will never follow that. I watched The Biggest Loser Marathon and if a man can lose 200 pounds in a year... I can drink less dr pepper and run every now and again.
3. To be a better student.
-- I was a straight A student in high school. But that changed.. DRASTICALLY. Yes, college is harder but I can do better. READ BOOKS for real. My goodness.
4. To make sure I am happy.
-- I spent a lot of 2007 worrying about what other people. Some of them family and some of them friends. I lost one of my best friends(as in we are not friends anymore) and I was so hurt when it happened but now that it is over I am not worried anymore. I realized she was a burden on me. Why would I want a friend to walk all over me. I have found comfort in a few old friends from grade/middle school that are amazing. I know these people will help me in deciding what may be the best for me. I am not trying to be selfish but to make sure I do not put something so important to someone else in front of what I believe is right. I will not let someone walk over what I believe.

So there you have it. My little list. :)

Have a happy 2008!!!